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Telsa Solar Roof – Telsa Power Wall

EMSR – Electrical Contractors Dallas Texas – Fort Worth Texas – Austin Texas

EMSR- Electrical Contractors provides a comprehensive solution for all your Tesla Solar Roof installation needs. Our turnkey services connect you with experienced roofers who specialize in installing Tesla Solar Roof shingles. We work closely with the roofer to ensure a seamless installation process and handle all the necessary electrical connections required to link your Solar Roof to the Tesla Powerwall, which stores the energy generated by the shingles.

The Tesla Solar Roof is a unique solution that combines glass and steel to create a roof that not only generates clean energy but also provides protection against the elements. As an authorized Tesla installer, we leave all the technical details to the experts at Tesla. However, you can visit the Tesla Powerwall and Tesla Solar Roof websites to learn more about these products.

Once you have all your questions answered, we will find a trusted roofer in your area who can handle the installation. We work side-by-side with the roofer to ensure seamless integration of your Solar Roof and Powerwall. Additionally, you will be amazed by how the Tesla Solar Roof looks like a normal high-dollar shingle roof.

For more information,  call us directly at 817-401-7841.